Red Hen Farm Missoula Montana Logo

Berry Plant Sale! Yeehaw!

Looking out the window today, it is obvious that the combination of rain and snow (many days), and warmer sunny days (too few!!)  is nudging grass to a greener color, tree buds are swelling, and the soil is warming.  Gardeners dreams transform into plans of action.  We have been getting bareroot strawberry plants and

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garlic scapes

Make some garlic scape pesto

The tops of our garlic have to be harvested so the bulb can continue to grow under ground. These tops are called scapes and you can use them just like you would a clove of garlic. Here’s a simple garlic scape pesto recipe: Scape pesto is great on fish, chicken, pasta, crusty bread,

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honey berrries

Farm stand open daily

Right now, in the farm stand: honey berries, strawberries, garlic scapes and fresh herbs like peppermint, oregano and dill. Stop by 10-7 most days for self serve. We accept cash, check and Venmo.

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Shout out!

When we started farming a few years ago we counted on word of mouth for our advertising.  In Montana, that works!  It also helps to have tech savvy friends and supporters along the way who remind us that it is the 21st century and that people also use their phones and computers, like all

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